Origin Access is adding over 190 titles to the library

Electronic Arts have announced that Origin Access is adding over 190 new titles to the line up, giving players even more choice on what they can play.
Those with the Premiere access will be granted access to Warhammer: Chaosbane Magnus Edition, along with the titles that basic members will get, like Vampyr and Overcooked.
“This month, we’re adding a handful of great games to the growing list of over 192 titles that cover a medley of genres and playstyles. We have a new entry from the storied Warhammer franchise, the debut of our most member-requested title, Vampyr, and a number of indie hits from Team17.
These new additions are on top of titles like Madden 20 and Sea of Solitude which also released on the service, for all the highlights, you can check out the official page, where all updates are listed going forward.