The highwaymen are coming as part of Season 2 of XDefiant

Ubisoft have released details on Season 2 for XDefiant, their free to play shooter that merges countless worlds of Ubisoft games. Each season will come with a new faction for the game and this time its the Highwaymen from Far Cry: New Dawn, in addition there is are new maps, a new game mode and more. The second season for XDefiant is kicking off on September 25th.
First lets talk maps as the new season comes with one when it launches and two more coming out during the season. For the first map, it is called Waterfront and is based around a skate park and music area, but is taken from the world of Far Cry: New Dawn. The map has been described as best for those with long to medium playstyles, so a snipers dream.
The other two maps that have been announced are Signal and Air & Space, with details for them coming out closer to their release.
The game is getting a new game mode as well as part of Season 2, called Bomb it may seem quite familiar to some players. The objective in this mode is simple, your team needs to pick up the bomb, take it to the enemies area and then plant it, finally ensuring it blows up.
For those on the other side of the encounter, it is easier, stop it. If the bomb is planted, then you have to get to it and disarm it before it blows.
Each round will see the teams swap from those planting to defending and whichever team achieves their objective wins the round, the first team to win six rounds, takes the match.
If you are someone who enjoys ranked play more than anything, you might need to cool your jets here, as Bomb will only launch into the casual playlists first, once the team and players are happy with it, only then will it move into Ranked.
XDefiant Season 2 is ramping up the excitement with the introduction of three new weapons, all available for free through the Battle Pass. The PP19 SMG breaks the mould with its emphasis on damage and precision, boasting the highest headshot damage multiplier among SMGs, a generous magazine size, extended range, and a stable recoil pattern. The L86 LSW offers a unique blend, allowing for swift running, aiming, and shooting, positioning itself between ARs and LMGs. It compensates for its increased agility with lower damage output and ammo capacity, yet it remains the quickest to eliminate opponents within 30-45 meters. Lastly, the SPAS-12 semi-automatic shotgun emerges as a hybrid of the AA-12 and M8-70, with the power to take down an enemy in a single shot, or swiftly follow up if the first shot doesn't quite do the job, such as when facing a GS-Kommando's armoured helmet.
The big addition to the game is of course the Highwaymen, the newest faction joining the roster and the second from the Far Cry world. Check out their full rundown trailer below.
The Highwaymen bring a new level of fast and furious combat to the battlefield. Their passive trait, 'Revved,' boosts fire and reload rates with each successive kill. They boast two primary abilities: the M79 Grenade Launcher, a simple yet explosive weapon that demands strategic use with its limited two-shot capacity before cooldown; and the Scrap Turret, a seemingly makeshift defence that offers a full 360-degree firing range. The faction's ultimate ability, the Saw Launcher, unleashes a barrage of bouncing buzzsaws, clearing out enemies in tight spaces with lethal efficiency.
If you want to enjoy the full breakdown of the XDefiant Season 2 debrief, you can do so below. Again Season 2 kicks off on September 25.