The first trailer is here for Iki Island, the upcoming Ghost of Tsushima expansion

PlayStation Studios and developer Sucker Punch Productions have released a story trailer for the upcoming Ghost of Tsushima expansion, Iki Island, which shows off a little of why Jin has undertaking this new mission, check it out.
Jin’s journey begins when he discovers that a mysterious Mongol tribe has gained a foothold on Iki. They are led by a revered shaman called Ankhsar Khatun, known to her followers as “the Eagle.” As both a khatun and a shaman, she is not only a conqueror of nations, but a shepherd of souls. And the danger she presents to Jin and his people is unlike any they have faced.
This sets Jin on a course to return to Iki island, a place he has been before, so expect some memories and maybe a little trauma to pop up as you play through it.
The Iki island expansion is included with the Director’s Cut of the game, which is bringing the title to PlayStation 5, with full support there. If you already own the game on PlayStation 4, you can opt to buy the expansion on its own.