The Elder Scrolls Online updates the world and adds new dungeons

Bethesda and ZeniMax Online Studios have announced that a new update for The Elder Scrolls Online has released, as well as two new dungeons and both parts are offering up some new fun.
The update, which is available to all players on PC and Mac today and will come to consoles soon is called Update 45. I know it is not a fun sounding name, but the update basically refreshes all the starting zones. As part of the ongoing commitment to keeping ESO as modern and welcoming to players as possible, several zones have received a visual refresh to bring them up to more recent standards.
“Moving from the updates to the Wailing Prison in Update 44, the five starter zones represented the very next step in the new player experience. Because these zones are smaller, we were able to bundle up the changes and release them together to make sure that all new players would have a first open zone experience closer in visual quality to our newly released zones, regardless of their choices in character creation.”
The two below images show some before and afters on the changes made.
The update has added even more changes to the game, here are the breakdowns of each. A more complete breakdown of each change can be found on the games official site.
Mounts now start out noticeably faster than they did previously, while still ending up around the same final speed for most. If you fully invest in all possible mount speed improvements, you may even end up going slightly faster than before.
In Update 45, the first thing you'll notice about the Craft, or green, tree is that you probably have some empty slots available now. We've taken most of the stars that were a chore to remember to slot and made them always active. This means that once you unlock a star like Meticulous Disassembly or Plentiful Harvest, you'll never have to worry about forgetting to swap your stars around and missing out on rewards ever again
Update 45 also includes an effort from the UI team to make the continent map of Tamriel clearer and more usable. Clutter has been reduced, and zone names now appear on the map as you zoom in.
Many quests that featured a player disguise now grant that disguise as a permanent collectible among their completion rewards—no inventory space required! A large number of the available disguises have been converted for Update 45, and you’ll unlock the new collectibles on your first post-patch login with any character who has completed a relevant quest.
The power granted by a Mundus Stone is a crucial element of many character builds, so we have taken steps to better convey its value to new players. There is now a reminder about Mundus Stones among the Level 10 Level Up Rewards, clearer and more direct information in the Mundus Stone Help Entry, and a section for Mundus Stone Boons in the Character and Inventory UI screens.
But like a Danoz Direct special, but wait there’s more. As in addition to the quality of life changes, there are now two more dungeons for players to discover and conquer. Starting today, players can venture into two new four-player dungeons, Exiled Redoubt and Lep Seclusa, which are included under the Fallen Banners pack.
There is a lot of detail that Bethesda have released on both via the games official site, so check here for Exiled Redoubt and for Lep Seclusa, click here. In a cool move, these 3D world panoramas have been released, which you can explore below, just make sure to make them full screen. Exiled is on the left and Lep is on the right.