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New details are finally here for The Chant, specifically around the cast and the roles they are playing

After a long absence between its tease and now, The Chant - the games actual title now, has revealed new details about itself, including the cast that are bringing this horror action-adventure to life. Check out the new video below, to learn who Siobhan Williams is playing and more.

The team at Brass Token have also released a text version of the information, perfect for those people who can’t watch a video right now. Check it out below, just note that this is a direct copy from the team, so any spelling is all theirs.

We begin with our lead character. Jessica Briar, performed by Siobhan Williams, is asked by her friend Kim Mallari  (played by Kira Clavell) to come to this remote Glory Island on a spiritual retreat. Jess is happy to take a few days away from the city and her stressful life and career. Why not? 

Considering herself someone who is willing to try new things, she is also ready to deal with some much needed closure from a traumatic event shared with Kim from their teenage years. What she does not know is that she will be forced into a new way of thinking in order to survive the horrors at hand. 

What happens on Glory Island…

Kim´s been looking forward to the retreat ever since she first heard Tyler Anton (actor Adam Millard) talk about it at one of his seminars. Since becoming a student of Tyler, she has felt more alive than ever. She is very grateful that Tyler allowed and even encouraged her to invite Jess to join, but is Tyler the healing, powerful and spiritual leader he claims to be? 

He inherited the island from his troubled mother and now he’s ready to welcome a small group of followers for a transformational journey into Prismic Science. Definitely, the sign he’s been waiting for. It’s time to leave his mark on the world and maybe even the cosmos. 

Hannah Wilson played by Emily Tennant, feels nothing but excitement at the thought of welcoming the retreat attendees. She has spent the past several months as Tyler’s right-hand; never before has she experienced such a sense of belonging.

Maya Kalani (voiced by Nicole Anthony) is on the island because she believes this retreat is her first step towards confronting her scars from her past to find true healing. In her wandering she met Tyler, whose keen eye saw her pain and enrolled her in the retreat with ease. She embodies a special spirit and energy.

Since connecting with Tyler, Sonny Sonti (Praneet Akilla) has decided to channel his energy (and some family wealth) towards his vision to help promote Prismic Science and create a movement. This is his chance to find greater meaning and leave behind a pattern of broken promises and self-destruction.

The game is coming to PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S later this year, but there is no firm date yet.