Super Bomberman R gets special characters on new platforms

Originally released at the launch of the Switch as an exclusive, Konami announced previously that Super Bomberman R would be coming to other platforms. Now they have released a video for each version, which shows off that if you play on a particular platform, a character known from it will join the fight.

On PlayStation 4, players will be able to take control of Ratchet, check him out in action below.

On Xbox One, Master Chief is your character and as someone who has thrown a few grenades, I wonder how he will stack up, check him out below.

Finally, the PC release, happening via Steam, will be gifted with P-Body, one of the two robot characters from Portal 2, check him out below.

These characters are exclusive to their respective platforms, but players will be able to play as any number of characters from the Konami games universe, like Goemon, Dracula and more. No specific release date has been provided yet, but the game is expected soon.