Discover how to build a space station in the next dev diary for Downward Spiral: Horus Station

Downward Spiral: Horus Station is releasing soon, but before them, developer 3rd Eye Studios has released another developer diary, giving players another look at the game. This time, it's all about the art direction.

Drawing on the classic set design of the 1970s from films and TV such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Wars and Star Trek, the environments of the abandoned Horus Station are defined by striking patterns and moody, atmospheric lighting. Lead artist, Kari Huttunen, explains how the team are channelling the “practical, old tech” of the ‘70s to give Horus Station a unique, analogue look.

Downward Spiral: Horus Station is a first-person, zero-g sci-fi thriller which lures players through a lost vessel abandoned by its crew. Solving the mystery of the space station will take wits and ingenuity as you fight or avoid dangers unknown. Use the ship's maintenance hardware - like bolt throwers, rail guns, and arc welders to take out threats, solve puzzles and find the truth of why Horus Station has been left drifting in space.