Atomega is announced and coming next week

Ubisoft has today announced a new game from Reflections, the studio known for their work on the Driver series, but most recently Grow Home and Grow Up. Atomega is an online FPS multiplayer game, where players compete for mass.

The player must acquire mass, by peacefully collecting it or via firefights, to evolve his Exoform from the nimble Atom to the godlike Omega. Competing for mass, players engage in a frantic battle for supremacy through intense 10-minute rounds gathering up to 8 players. Acquiring mass also grants points and the player with the most points at the end of the round wins. It is a relentlessly competitive experience, an easy to pick-up but hard to master game, with a light-hearted tone echoing the personality of its small development team.

The game is coming to PC via Steam on September 19th, no other platforms have been announced at this time.