Take A Look At The Battle System For Dragon Ball Fusions

Another week, another look at Dragon Ball Fusions, this week the video from Bandai Namco takes a closer look at the Battle System that the game employs, so check it out.

First, the principle of the Attack Triangle – Speed prevails over Power, Power prevails over Technique and Technique prevails over Speed – will help you to choose wisely your target before striking it with different Standard, Ki and Special Attacks. Then, the timeline, at the bottom of the screen, is showing you the next character who will perform an action.

Pay close attention to this feature! If this character takes damage, he/she will move slightly left and another character may take his/her place. It’s then time to pull out the field your enemies with team combos and chain reactions. But attack is not the only matter, you also have to defend yourself! Guess where your enemies will strike to block them and reduce the incoming damage.

The game is set to release on February 17th, exclusively for Nintendo 3DS