E3 2014 - Bayonetta 2 Hands On

When Nintendo made the announcement that they were going to publish a sequel to the amazing Bayonetta a lot of people wondered why they would do that. I was one of them, mostly because I had never played the first one.

Well at E3 I was able to sink sometime into Bayonetta 2 and I came away loving it. The game is frenetic and actioned packed and shows you no sign slowing down. In order to maximise the time that I had with the game, I skipped all the cut scenes and tutorial information windows and just jumped to the action and boy I was glad I did.

Moving around is really simple and attacking is even easier, with your attacks assigned to two buttons. In fact it was so easy, I was able to pull off some of the big finishing moves with almost no trouble. And now that Nintendo are giving gamers both the original game and its sequel , I can’t wait to spend more time with this amazing game.