Oz Comic Con Melbourne - Part 1 The Artists

So today was the first day of Oz Comic Con here in Melbourne. There were a host of international celebrities as well as a massive range of local artists. For some people, its a chance to dress up and have a great day out, for others its the chance to hear from the people they admire. Here are some of the highlights from the booths on the floor.

One of the first people I had the pleasure of chatting too was this man, Shane W. Smith a local author who not only wrote a book, but then had the desire to turn it into a Graphic Novel.

The Lesser Evil is a story that explores what it means to have a dream, and its quite an impressive book.

If you want to learn more about this fantastic book, check out the site here.

Another booth that showcased some awesome Aussie talent was from Guild - Jewellery Design.

Andrew, has made all these pieces and they are all licensed by DC.  As you can see from the photos below, they are spectacular pieces.


If you want to check out more of the work that Andrew has done, perhaps even get some custom work done, then please check out his site here.

Another artist showcasing his amazing talents is Michael Rogers, and talent this man certainly has.

Check out his work on Facebook, and like his page if you like his work. I know I do. 

The final artists I would like to highlight are the team from 8-Bitty, they take images we all know and serve them up 8-bit style.  Check out some of their work.

If you want to purchase anything from 8-Bitty, be sure to check out their online shop.