Microsoft Surface Unveiled

USB 2.0 port, 576 grams, 9.3 mm thick, magnesium case, comes with a cover thats 3mm thick, with a full keyboard.

Hdmi built in, front and rear cameras

Runs a core i5 Ivy Bridge cpu, with perimeter venting, which lets air escape everywhere so never block with your hands.

Supports digital ink, digitalpen writing on board does not scroll the screen, keeps still.

When you attach the cover the colour of the background will change to the colour of your cover, to show you that it has been attached.

Cover contains an accelerometer, and seven layers.

Will come in 4 models, Windows RT version will ship in either 32gb or 64gb models, and Pro Models will ship at either 64gb or 128gb.

Pricing will be similar to ARM based tablets now for RT and Ultrabook pricing for Pro models.

RT version will release with Windows 8 later this year, and Pro Models within 3 months of Windows 8 launch