World of Warcraft Classic is preparing for Cataclysm once again in 2024

As expected at Blizzcon, Blizzard announced that the next expansion for World of Warcraft Classic would be Cataclysm, which first released back in 2010 and will return in 2024, but something else will happen first. For now check out the new trailer for the expansion below.
Before Cataclysm arrives, players of WoW Classic will get a chance to experience something new with Season of Discovery.
In Season of Discovery, players will discover new secrets by scouring Azeroth to find class-altering abilities. Tanking Warlocks, Mage healers, and more will be possible. The Season will launch with an initial level cap of 25, and upon reaching max level, players will be met with a new level-25 endgame! Discover a 10-player Blackfathom Deeps raid with new and reimagined bosses, mechanics, and rewards. Not long after, the level cap will be increased by a few levels, bringing even more endgame content.
The Season of Discover will kick off at the end of November, with more details expected before then.
As for Cataclysm Classic, that is only dated for 2024, but once it does arrive, players will find a wealth of familiar aspects being brought back. They include some returning raids and some new ones, but don’t worry if you feel like you are roll right through, as new complex and challenging opportunities to earn powerful rewards will be possible when the new Dungeon difficulty system goes live after launch.
Here are a few screens from some dungeons, Grim Batol, Lost City of Tolvir and Throne of Tides, just to help tide (hehe) you over.
There will be new zones to explore, seven new zones and three starting zones, with one of them each for the Goblins and Worgen races that are being added to the game. Check out screens of the Barrens, Darkshore, Deepholm and Uldum below.
Access will be provided to all players with an active Wow Classic subscription, so no need to buy anything, but Blizzard would not be blizzard if they didn’t have options for you. You can learn all about them on the games official site.