Unknown 9: Awakening drops a commentated gameplay video

Bandai Namco have released a new gameplay video for Unknown 9: Awakening, with narration provided by Creative Director Christophe Rossignol from Reflector, the studio making the game.
The below video is not a single chunk of game but rather will offer up a look at three different chapters. Across the video you will see combat, stealth, and Umbric approaches being used, as well as the introduction of new abilities, upgrades, and more.
There is a lot more detail about the areas, abilities and even the characters on the games official site, you can find that here. They have also been providing updates on characters via their Friends & Foes posts, you can find updates for Luther, Reika and more.
Also, while we are focusing on the game here, there is more to Unknown 9 than just this. The series is a multimedia production and offers up Podcasts, Comics and Novels to enjoy as well, to help make a richer world.
As for the release date, the game is aiming to release sometime this Spring, but there is no firm date beyond that at this time. When it does release it will hit PC, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5.