Tickets are now on sale for PAX Australia 2025

It might be just under 200 days away, but tickets for PAX Australia have gone on sale now, giving attendees a chance to lock in their entry to what should be an even bigger show than last year.
Just as with years past, tickets can be bought for single days or a 3-day badge, for those who know they are going for all three days. The tickets right now are early bird prices and they are priced as thus:
3-Day Early Bird - $180
Individual Day Early Bird - $75
Once the early bird allotment are gone, tickets will go up in price. Long time attendees might have noticed that the price for those above have gone up this year, only by $5 but still. That likely means the full priced tickets will also be more expensive, which makes the early bird tickets even better value.
““We’re really looking forward to welcoming everyone to PAX Aus 2025 following an incredible year last year. The team is working very hard putting together a showfloor and schedule we know our PAX Aus fans will love.
“Every year, we try to deliver the best possible experience for our PAX Aus audience, no matter what their gaming passion. But it’s people’s passion and enthusiasm that brings the atmosphere, so we’re looking forward to seeing everyone back at MCEC in October for the ultimate game night (and day) across an entire weekend!””
As for what will be at the show, well it is way too soon for any confirmed details, but we know that the Omegathon will be back, the Queue Hall will once again offer a bit of chaos and the Pin Chicken is gonna get a new design, but no idea what it will be yet.
Are you going to attend the show? Be sure to let us know if you do.