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The Pokémon Center is finally coming down under, at least online

After years of Pokemon Centers being places that folks in Japan could visit in person, and the online versions for North America and the U.K, it is now Australia and New Zealand that are getting a chance to spend, at least online.

The Pokémon Center website will be launching a website for customers in Australia and New Zealand, with the soft launch expected soon-ish and it will be here where folks can get Pokémon related merchandise.

Now there is no telling how much of the current line up we will be getting, Japan’s physical stores often have much more than the digital ones, not counting store exclusive items. The other question will be around seasonal offerings, given that right now the current online stores are celebrating Summer, but we are going into Winter.

Either way, until the launch we are not likely to get those answers, but if you want to know the moment that they do go live, you can sign up here to be notified. Just make sure to select Australia or New Zealand from the drop down box, so you get the right emails.