The Mandalorian - Chapter 20 - Review

After the last episode spent more time on other characters, rather than the title one, this latest episode seems to have over-corrected that, as there was not a single other person in the show, outside of Mandalorians. All though, there was that flashback montage that revealed a very surprising cast member and showed more of Grogu’s escape from Order 66.

Before I get into the review, I need to call out something, episode lengths. Now normally on commercial television, episodes are either 22 or 42 minutes in length and once you add in ad breaks, you can 30 or 60 minutes of show. The content on Disney+ has mostly stuck to the same length on each show, except the Lucasfilm content, that is all over the place and season 3 of The Mandalorian is even worse. The listed run-time for this episode was 33 minutes, but once you remove the recaps and end credits, its actually just above 26 minutes, which is not long at all. I don’t have an issue with shorter shows or longer ones, I just want consistency between them, so it feels like I am getting worth from watching.

Ok, with that done, there were two main storylines in this episode, the first was related to life in the Creed of Mandalore, both from Grogu’s point of view and that of Bo-Katan. Each had their own way of seeing things, for Grogu it brought back some memories, for Bo-Katan, it was more that she was starting to find a family of sorts. Sticking with Bo-Katan, her willingness to go and save a child, was very welcome and showed that those who have been with the group longer are still willing to trust a newcomer, if they show their strength in leading. While I would have liked to have seen a little more division before the climb, it was nice to see them all just working together. The father of the taken child rushing into the nest was almost comical in how easy to was to spot happening, but it did lead to a pretty fun airborne chase. The issue with the chase was that it was a little challenging at times to follow which Mandalorian was who in the air, except of course for Din, thanks to his Beskar armour.

While that group were dealing with the raptor, as they called it, Grogu was getting a lesson in the basics of being a Mandlorian, but upon watching the forge smash down some metal, it triggered a flashback. Of course, we knew coming into the season that we would see more of Order 66 as it was in the trailer, seeing Grogu get rescued by JarJar Binks himself, Ahmed Best was a real surprise. There is no word on if Best was playing Kelleran Beq again, a role he took on in hosting Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge. If that was the case, then that means those shows are canon and all the kids who took part are actual padwans now. Seeing Best and Grogu do their version of the Episode 2 chase through the city was nice, as was the little look at Umate again, which we saw in the previous episode. Of course the pair got away, so there is likely more to learn about the escape from the Empire and it should lead to how Grogu was found by Din in the first episode.

Both of these storylines seemed to be designed to provide more character to both Grogu and Bo-Katan and while I can appreciate that, things are not moving how I would like. I think I am one of only a handful of viewers who would have been content if Grogu never appeared in the series again, outside of a random meet up now and again. It isn’t that I don’t like the character, but rather I don’t think the concept of the show was fully realised, given Din’s relationship with Grogu. I also have issues with Bo-Katan’s inclusion into the show, while I have seen Clone Wars, she wasn’t a character I was that fond of. But so far, out of all four episode of this season, all of them have ended with shots of Bo-Katan. It is starting to feel less like The Mandalorian and more like Bo-Katan: Featuring The Mandalorian.

In each of these characters having moments to grow, that I can’t argue against, it does help make them more interesting characters, but it is with how they are doing it that I have issue with. Grogu is being forcibly indoctrinated into a cult, something that Bo-Katan has said quite a bit about the group Din calls family. Now Bo-Katan herself is diving into the group, fully aware of what they are and how they operate and doesn’t seem to care about it. The show made great strides last season to highlight that Din’s group is a cult and now no-one seems to care. It is my hope that something happens that exiles Grogu from the group and that has Din leave as well, given the role he has taken on as father, but I don’t think they would do that.

The episode had some great moments, Bo-Katan being accepted was one and of course, seeing how Grogu escaped Coroscant during Order 66 was the other. Where I failed to enjoy things was in just how little progress was being made on a more grander storyline, what is lurking in the shadows. The lack of progression there is even more disheartening after the bulk of Chapter 19 was focused on potentially that. I can understand building tension and I can understand building up aspects of characters, but this is a story driven show and there seems to be a lack of story for them to follow and that needs to change.

The Score


The Pros

+Learning more about Grogu's escape during Order 66 was nice

+Having Bo-Katan being accepted, clearly means something to her...

The Cons

-... it would mean more if she didn't call them out as a cult so many times previously

-The show seems to have no idea where its going right now, with the story feeling broken