The God of War 20th Anniversary Vinyl Collection is up for order
When PlayStation revealed the details around the 20th Anniversary of God of War, you can find everything here, they announced that they were partnering with Laced Records to bring some music to fans and they have detailed the options.
Right now there are four options for God of War music on vinyl, The three mainline games from the Greek trilogy or a massive collection which also includes more music. Here are the links for the three standalone releases
All three on their own are $76 AUD, plus shipping, so likely around $100+ each, but if you want the other games, or at least parts of some, then the stupidly priced $524 13 disc set is an option for you. Just know that with shipping to Australia, the set comes in at $625 AUD. It does contain the above three games in the mix, along with the Norse line up of games, but also a selection of music from the other Greek games.
Includes soundtracks for mainline titles:
God of War
God of War II
God of War III
God of War (2018)
God of War Ragnarök + Valhalla
• Includes selections from:
God of War: Ascension
God of War: Chains of Olympus
God of War: Ghost of Sparta
God of War Ragnarök: Lofi Beats to Journal to
The music from the games have been composed by a number of musicians, those included in this collection are Gerard K. Marino, Mike Reagan, Ron Fish, Cris Velasco, Winifred Phillips, Winnie Waldron, Tyler Bates, Bear McCreary, Sparks & Shadows, Alex Moukala & Lawrence Ravagnan. Gerard Marino created the original games score and set the tone for the others to create from and as a fan of the series, I say they did a great job.
Here now are the songs included and their various discs, be ready as it is a big setlist as there are over 150 songs included.
Disc 1 - God of War
Side A
The Vengeful Spartan
Kratos and the Sea
The Splendor of Athens
Ares Destroys Athens
Mind the Cyclops
Athenian Battle
Exploring the Ruins
Side B
Athens Rooftops Fighting
Save The Oracle Challenge
Kratos' Evil Past
The Story of Cronos
Battle the Lethal Sirens
The Temple of Pandora
Pandoran Cyclops Attack
The Architect's Mysteries
Disc 2 - God of War
Side A
Zeus' Wrath Divine
The Underwater World of Poseidon
Minotaur Boss Battl
Pandora's Box
Hades, God of the Underworld
Duel with Are
Enthroned on Mount Olympus
God of War End Title
Side B
features an etching of the God of War logo
Disc 3 – God of War II
Side A
God of War II - Main Titles
The Glory of Sparta
The Way of the Gods
Colossus of Rhodes
The Bathhouse
Death of Kratos
Side B
The End Begins
Typhon Mountain
Waking the Sleeping Giant
Battle for the Skies
Exploring the Isle
The Isle of Creation
The Summit of Sacrifice
Disc 4 – God of War II
Side A
An Audience with Cronos
The Barbarian King Returns
Bog of Lost Souls
Battle in the Bog
Crossing the Lowlands
Palace of the Fates
Side B
Phoenix Rising
Ashen Spire
The Battle for Olympus
Atlas Remembers
Kratos and Atropos
Pursuing Destiny
Theme of Fates
Disc 5 – God of War III
Side A
God of War III Overture
Call to Arms
Poseidon's Wrath
Revenge Falling
Anthem of the Dead
Depths of Hades
Side B
The Forge of Hephaestus
Labor of Destruction
The Three Judges
The Lost Souls
Duel with Hades
Tides of Chaos
Disc 6 – God of War III
Side A
The Muse's Song
Brothers of Blood
Lure of a Goddess
The March of Tartarus
The Great Machine
Pandora's Song
Side B
Revenge Rising
All for Nothing
Rage of Sparta
In the Face of Fear
End of Vengeance
Disc 7
Side A - God of War: Ascension
Primordial Rage
Bound by Blood
Ghosts of Kirra
Warrior's Truth
Awakening of the Hecatonchires
Temple Carnage
Streets of Sparta
Madness of the Fury Queen
The Marked One
Side B
(God of War: Chains of Olympus)
The Wrath of Charon
Persian Combat
(God of War: Ghost of Sparta)
Ghost of Sparta
The Fallen Brother
Deimos's Revenge
Brothers in Arms
Disc 8 - God of War (2018)
Side A
God of War
Memories of Mother
Witch of the Woods
Lullaby of the Giants
Side B
Peaks Pass
A Giant's Prayer
The Dragon
Echoes of an Old Life
The Healing
Disc 9 - God of War (2018)
Side A
Magni and Modi
The Reach of Your Godhood
Side B
Stone Mason
The Ninth Realm
The Summit
Disc 10 - God of War Ragnarök
Side A
God of War Ragnarök
A Son's Path
The Hand of Odin
Giantess of Ironwood
Holding On
Side B
Huldra Brothers
Pull of the Light
Disc 11 - God of War Ragnarök
Side A
Whispered Souls
The Hidden Beast
Side B
To Forgive or to Kill
Muspelheim and Niflheim
The Mermaid
Disc 12 - God of War Ragnarök
Side A
Remembering Faye
Return to Helheim
The Hammer of Thor
The Mask
The All-Father
Side B
Raeb's Lament
Letting Go
Blood Upon the Snow
Disc 13
Side A - God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla
Master Thyself
Face the Past, Face the Future
Clearing the Mind
Side B - God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla and God of War Ragnarök: Lofi Beats to Journal to
The Path
Huldra Brothers - Lofi Version
Memories of Mother - Lofi Version
God of War Ragnarök - Lofi Version