Take a tour to Ancient Egypt and Greece thanks to Assassin's Creed Discovery Mode

Take a tour to Ancient Egypt and Greece thanks to Assassin's Creed Discovery Mode

Ubisoft have been giving away plenty of games lately, but perhaps the coolest ones are available now, though they are not exactly games. Many folks love the worlds that Assassin’s Creed take place in, due to the attention to detail and the recent games are prime examples of that, and now the tour modes are free for all, just make sure you get them before May 21

If you want to know just what these Discovery Tours are all about, check out his video that was released last year for Assassin’s Creed Greece, that should help explain it more.

“With millions of children experiencing upheaval to their studies right now, and teachers forced to adapt their lessons to digital tools, people are seeking new and enriching ways to learn. We’re really proud of the Discovery Tours and their capacity to make history accessible, immersive, and fun,” says Etienne Allonier, Brand Director for Assassin’s Creed®.

If you want to add them to your library, you can do that here. Discovery Tour: Ancient Greece and Discovery Tour: Ancient Egypt offer an engaging way to learn history, either on their own or as part of a formal curriculum. Ubisoft provides historical texts and other resources to teachers who use Discovery Tour in their classes. If you are a teacher, or are friends with a teacher and want to get some more details, you can email this address and they will help you out - acdiscoverytour@ubisoft.com