SubsLuke HendersonMarch 07, 2025Nintendo, Switch, NSO, Mario, Donkey Kong Switch Online: Two Game Boy Classic will test your skills No versus this time SubsLuke HendersonMarch 07, 2025Nintendo, Switch, NSO, Mario, Donkey Kong
SubsLuke HendersonDecember 04, 2024NSO, Switch, Donkey Kong, GameBoy Donkey Kong Land 3 arrives onto Nintendo Switch Online The trilogy is complete SubsLuke HendersonDecember 04, 2024NSO, Switch, Donkey Kong, GameBoy
SubsLuke HendersonNovember 26, 2024Switch, NSO, Donkey Kong Switch Online: Donkey Kong Land 2 keeps the adventures going Landing there today SubsLuke HendersonNovember 26, 2024Switch, NSO, Donkey Kong
SubsLuke HendersonNovember 22, 2024Donkey Kong, NSO, Switch Switch Online: Donkey Kong Lands onto the service today This game is bananas… SubsLuke HendersonNovember 22, 2024Donkey Kong, NSO, Switch
NewsLuke HendersonMay 03, 2024Universal Studios, Super Nintendo World, Donkey Kong, Theme park Epic Universe details Super Nintendo World Let’s a go! NewsLuke HendersonMay 03, 2024Universal Studios, Super Nintendo World, Donkey Kong, Theme park
NewsLuke HendersonApril 29, 2023Lego, Super Mario, Donkey Kong, toys Lego Donkey Kong sets have been officially announced and coming this August Play the song…. NewsLuke HendersonApril 29, 2023Lego, Super Mario, Donkey Kong, toys
Luke HendersonJuly 09, 2020NSO, Switch, Donkey KongComment More games coming to Nintendo Switch Online Not as long a wait as last time Luke HendersonJuly 09, 2020NSO, Switch, Donkey KongComment
Luke HendersonMay 23, 2018Donkey Kong, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Switch, UbisoftComment Donkey Kong swings into Mario+Rabbids this June Luke HendersonMay 23, 2018Donkey Kong, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Switch, UbisoftComment
Luke HendersonMay 01, 2018Donkey Kong, Maxi Geek Review, Switch, Tropical FreezeComment Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - Review Luke HendersonMay 01, 2018Donkey Kong, Maxi Geek Review, Switch, Tropical FreezeComment
Luke HendersonJanuary 12, 2018Donkey Kong, Nintendo Direct, Nintendo, Switch, Tropical FreezeComment Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is heading to Nintendo Switch Luke HendersonJanuary 12, 2018Donkey Kong, Nintendo Direct, Nintendo, Switch, Tropical FreezeComment
Luke HendersonDecember 13, 2016Donkey Kong, Nintendo, Super Mario, Universal StudiosComment Super Nintendo World Announced For Universal Studios Japan It’s a go time Luke HendersonDecember 13, 2016Donkey Kong, Nintendo, Super Mario, Universal StudiosComment
Luke HendersonNovember 30, 2016Donkey Kong, Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda, Universal Studios, marioComment Nintendo & Universal Detail More About Their Partnership Luke HendersonNovember 30, 2016Donkey Kong, Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda, Universal Studios, marioComment
Luke HendersonNovember 15, 2016Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Nintendo, Pikmin, Super Smash Bros, Wii UComment Double Bonus With Wii U This Christmas Luke HendersonNovember 15, 2016Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Nintendo, Pikmin, Super Smash Bros, Wii UComment
Luke HendersonJuly 15, 2016Donkey Kong, Mega Man, NES, Nintendo Classic Mini, Nintendo, Super Mario, final fantasy, zeldaComment Nintendo Returns To The Past With The Nintendo Classic Mini: NES Edition Luke HendersonJuly 15, 2016Donkey Kong, Mega Man, NES, Nintendo Classic Mini, Nintendo, Super Mario, final fantasy, zeldaComment
Luke HendersonJanuary 12, 20163ds, Donkey Kong, GameBoy, Metroid, Nintendo, Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, Wii U, Wii, marioComment Vooks Highlights 16 Nintendo Anniversaries For This Year Luke HendersonJanuary 12, 20163ds, Donkey Kong, GameBoy, Metroid, Nintendo, Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, Wii U, Wii, marioComment
Luke HendersonMarch 26, 2014Donkey Kong, Maxi Geek Review, Nintendo, Tropical Freeze, Wii UComment Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - Review One chill game Luke HendersonMarch 26, 2014Donkey Kong, Maxi Geek Review, Nintendo, Tropical Freeze, Wii UComment
Luke HendersonFebruary 14, 20143ds, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Nintendo Direct, Nintendo, Wii U, Yoshi, eshopComment Nintendo Direct brings lots of release dates and Gameboy Advance to Wii U Virtual Console Luke HendersonFebruary 14, 20143ds, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Nintendo Direct, Nintendo, Wii U, Yoshi, eshopComment
Luke HendersonFebruary 07, 2014Donkey Kong, Nintendo, Retro, Tropical Freeze, Wii UComment Join the Kongs on a brand new HD adventure in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze On Wii U Luke HendersonFebruary 07, 2014Donkey Kong, Nintendo, Retro, Tropical Freeze, Wii UComment
Luke HendersonJune 12, 2013Donkey Kong, E3 2013, Wii UComment E3 2013 - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Luke HendersonJune 12, 2013Donkey Kong, E3 2013, Wii UComment
Luke HendersonMay 25, 20133ds, Donkey Kong, NintendoComment DONKEY KONG COUNTRY RETURNS IS BACK AND ENHANCED FOR PORTABLE PLAY! Luke HendersonMay 25, 20133ds, Donkey Kong, NintendoComment
Luke HendersonMay 18, 20133ds, Donkey KongComment Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D Trailer Luke HendersonMay 18, 20133ds, Donkey KongComment
Luke HendersonApril 18, 20133ds, Donkey KongComment Nintendo 3DS - Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D Gameplay Trailer Luke HendersonApril 18, 20133ds, Donkey KongComment