Starbase details the importance of mining in the latest video

Starbase details the importance of mining in the latest video

If you thought Starbase, the upcoming title from Frozenbyte was all about spaceship combat and base building, then you would be wrong, dig this, you can also mine asteroids and the latest developer video, shows off how it works, check it out.

The surface material of the asteroids is useful as a cheap building material for stations and such, and the core can contain valuable metals and other materials which are used in the making of, for example, spaceships, electronics, and ammunition.

As the developer has released a lot of videos on this game in the past few weeks, here they all are, for your viewing pleasure. For now, these videos are the only way to enjoy the game, as it has not received its date for when Early Access will be happening, but that is expected by the end of the year.



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