Star Wars The Old Republic is taking players to an all-new planet with its next big update

During a special Star Wars: The Old Republic stream, details were provided for update 7.2, which is called Showdown on Ruhnuk. The name of the event also provides a new location for players, with Ruhnuk being an all-new planet that players will be able to explore.
Why are players heading to Ruhnuk? There is a new story to discover there, along with new daily areas to venture into.
For the story, players will encounter Shaw Vizla, who is also known as Mandalore the Avenger, as they are in pursuit of the main base of the rogue Mandalorian, Heta Kol. This hunt has lead her to Ruhnuk, a planet best described as an inhospitable planet, located at the centre of an electrical nebula.
The new story arc will have players assisting Mandalore’s forces in the aftermath of the main story mission where they’ll learn more about what’s important to the Mandalorians in Shae Vizla’s command. Players will help track down one of Field Marshal Heta Kol’s ruthless followers as he conducts secret experiments.
The update will also bring changes to the PvP mode for players, most notably that it will now feature two queues, 8v8 or 4v4. This will allow for more balanced matches and quicker matchmaking, offsetting the ability for win-trading and provide more agency to choose between Warzones and Arenas. Players will now also be able to join as 8 player groups.
All players participating in PvP will be able to enjoy a new seasonal reward track, running in parallel to Galactic Seasons with three PvP seasons planned per year.
Finally, players will also be able to enjoy a new 4v4 Arena map set on Onderon called the Onderon Palatial Ruins.
For those who need some assistance with the visuals, a new faster way to access the colourblind settings is also being added to the game. UI improvements are also being added, letting you remove or add menus as you desire.
There is a lot more included in the update, cartel items, armour sets and more, heck Life Day is also going to be included in the event. For the full update, check out the stream below.