Slay away as DOOM Eternal is out now

After seeing a small delay, Bethesda and id Software are happy to announced that DOOM Eternal is out now for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, sadly Switch owners need to wait a little longer.
The game has you step back into the combat boots of the Slayer, a man feared by demons all the way to hell and back. Venture to new worlds and locations as you seek to end the demonic take over of Earth, all the while discovering new ways to move around and take down the hordes that stand in your way.
“DOOM Eternal is the most ambitious game our studio has ever created,” said Marty Stratton, Executive Producer at id Software. “The scope and scale of the campaign and BATTLEMODE are a true testament to the passion and talent of everyone at id Software. We’ve had a blast making DOOM Eternal and we can’t wait for players to experience the thrill of this epic journey.”
Also today, DOOM 64 is released on all platforms, including Switch, giving players a chance to play the Nintendo 64 release for the first time, since it was first released. DOOM 64 was the first time that players could actually play the game in proper 3d spaces, and is worth checking out. Anyone who pre-ordered the game, should get a copy of this one for free.