Skate is coming back

Who would have guessed that making pleas on the internet for a decade, would result in games being made, but that is basically what has happened here, as EA Play 2020 ended, with the news that Skate is making a return.
In response to the voices of incredibly passionate fans for nearly a decade, Chief Studios Officer, Laura Miele, left one last surprise for players. Cuz Parry and Deran Chung, the game’s Game Director and Creative Director respectively, shared that while this is just the beginning and there is a long way to go, work on the next evolution in the Skate franchise has begun.
The game has had four entries already, if you count the Wii and iOS spin-off Skate It!, but this will be the first new entry since 2010’s Skate 3. Right now, we don’t even know the platforms, release year or even if it will be called Skate 4, so the wait is going to be a long one, but at least the game is happen.