PlayStation 5 consoles get a small but important update

PlayStation have released a new console update for the PlayStation 5, which does correct an issue that has been around since the launch of the PlayStation 5 Pro, data transfers.
Yes, data transfers, not a sexy thing to talk about as it is quite boring, but it is important. When the PlayStation 5 Pro launched, many players were happy to see they could transfer their content from their old machine to the new, except it didn’t work as intended. But this new 1.3gb update aims to correct the issue for all players.
PS5 Pro users have encountered various challenges when transferring games and other data from their old systems to the new one. While some found a workaround by adjusting their PS Plus settings—an active subscription is required to upload data to Sony's cloud server and then download it onto the new console—this solution was not universal. Sony's patch notes acknowledged that even transfers deemed mostly successful had issues with large data volumes, typical of first-party PS5 games.
The update also comes with a tweak to how the console displays things on some screens, along with general stability, you can see the exhaustive patch notes below.
Version: 24.08-10.40.00
We've improved the process of transferring data from another PS5 and enhanced stability when transferring large amounts of data, such as captures.
We've improved the messages and usability on some screens.