Pikmin 3 Deluxe - Bargain Guide

Pikmin is perhaps one of the oddest series that Nintendo has made and given the number of games they have made, that is saying something. Part strategy, part adventure it is an odd mix, but there is no denying that it has its appeal and the series has fans because of it.
Pikmin 3 was made for the Wii U and after a big update, where they added more control options, people really enjoyed it and the game was one of the last titles stuck on the platform. Now that it has come to Switch, people are excited to see how it plays, which you can test out now with the demo, but the new content will be something you need the full game for.
Switch - $68 - Link
Switch - $79.95 - Link
Pre-order the game and get some free plant tags
Switch - $69 - Link
Switch - $68 - Link
Nintendo eShop
Standard - $79.95 - Link
Compatible with Nintendo Switch Online Vouchers