Patapon 2 Remastered drums up a release date... for this week

Sony Interactive Entertainment, also known as PlayStation, have announced that Patapon 2 Remastered, the remaster of the classic PSP title that is now over 10 years old, will release on January 30, which is this week.
There are over 30 missions to undertake in Patapon 2, but more than that, there are mini games to enjoy, but on top of that, there are Patapon evolutions to discover.
Cut off from their Zigoton compatriots after a Kraken attacks their ship, the Patapon tribe find themselves ship-wrecked on a strange new land. As their deity, it’s your job to lead the Patapon army using a variety of rhythmic drum commands as they encounter brand new enemies, allies and a host of new bosses as they continue their search for their promised land, Earthend. Combine the various chains of drumbeats to address each unique level, leading the Patapons to victory over the enemy forces.