Online or not, the experience will carry over in Ghost Recon Breakpoint

During Inside Xbox, ahead of Gamescom 2019, Ubisoft released a trailer for Ghost Recon Breakpoint’s new 4v4 PVP multiplayer mode and it looks good, check it out.
This is not a mode to consider as a side part of the experience, as each and every item you unlock in the campaign, can be brought into the PVP.
"Everything you do in the game – whatever you choose to play, all the time you invest in the game – will feed into your character," says Creative Director Eric Couzian. "You never waste a minute."
So your favorite gear, modified weapons, custom loadouts, perks, and class abilities, but it gets better because any progression, loot, or other rewards you earn in PVP will also be available to use in the single player campaign.
"We want PVP to be balanced and fair," says Alexandru Rais, lead game designer on Ghost War. "We did this by adding PVP-specific tuning to the game; this means there are some systems – for example, weapons – where we tweak the stats a bit to ensure there are no overpowered weapons in PVP. This, in return, allows players to use all the weapons in PVP as well, choose whatever weapon they like, and whatever weapon fits their playstyle."
At launch, Ghost War will feature two modes – elimination and sabotage – along with six maps with changeable weather and time of day. The maps are places you can visit in the open world, but they've all been hand-crafted specifically with PVP in mind, with diverse terrain and features designed to suit every class and play style. These maps start out big, but eventually get smaller; near the end of each match, the map's deadly perimeter closes in, pushing players into a gradually shrinking combat zone with fewer places to hide.