One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 - Bargain Guide

There have been a number of anime/manga properties that have crossed over from Japan to the western audiences and perhaps the one with the largest reach has been One Piece. A story about a boy who wants to be the pirate king, it touches the wonder that is inside of all of us, but as it was created in Japan, there are powers and crazy characters galore.
The Pirate Warriors series takes the characters and throws them into a musuo game, giving you countless waves of enemies to take down and now we have another game to look forward to. There is a collectors edition of the game, but that was only available from Bandai Namco directly and is currently sold out, so no luck on that one. But without any more delays, time to venture forth and find some savings.
Steam (The only place to get the PC version from)
PC - $74.95 - Link
Xbox Marketplace
Standard Edition - $99.95 - Link
Digital Deluxe Edition - $137.95 - Link
The Deluxe Edition includes the following:
- Full Game
- Character Pass which includes 9 characters and the Charlotte Katakuri Early Unlock as a bonus
Nintendo eShop
Standard Edition - $99.95 - Link
Digital Deluxe Edition - $135.95 - Link
The Deluxe Edition includes the following:
- Full Game
- Character Pass which includes 9 characters and the Charlotte Katakuri Early Unlock as a bonu
PlayStation Store
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