Need for Speed Unbound has been updated today with new events, rewards and fixes

Need for Speed Unbound is keeping the racing action going with a new update out today, that delivers new events, ways to play and a speed pass. Check out the trailer for the overview.
There is a lot packed into this update, let us start with the new challenges. The Volume 3 update brings in the following:
3 Drift Playlists
13 Weekly Challenge sets
29 Daily Challenges
15 One Shot challenges
That last one is only for Lakeshore Online, giving you new ways to link up and then rank up.
Speaking of Link up, the game now supports 16 players, meaning the fun can really escalate, but as part of that potential chaos, a new addition has been added. The new Chat Wheel provides drivers with 50 phrases and 25 emotes, so you can let folks know what is going on in a range of situations.
Another major addition to the game is the Speed Pass, think battle pass and you are on the right track, the only difference is that this is not a paid service. You can learn more about it here, but the basics are that you have until August 16th to achieve all 75 levels in the pass, do that and you will earn this.
Beyond the new content there are a lot of fixes and improvements to the game, or as was described by the team at Criterion a s*!t load of them. Given the number of items in the list, you will just have to read them here to discover them all.