Metal Slug Tactics is alive and aiming to release later this year

First revealed in June 2021, then delayed in 2022 to 2023, Dotemu and developer Leikir Studio have confirmed that Metal Slug Tactics is still in development and aiming to release sometime this Spring. The news comes with a new trailer, which you can check out below.
Metal Slug Tactics is igniting the tactical gaming scene with the high-octane excitement and beloved nostalgia of the iconic Metal Slug series. Brace yourself for a thrilling fusion of classic arcade action and modern rogue-lite strategy. Dive into the fray and experience your Metal Slug memories like never before, reimagined in an electrifying tactical format! With its anticipated release, Metal Slug Tactics promises to deliver a fresh take on the franchise, blending familiar gameplay with innovative tactical depth.
The game is coming to PC, Switch, PlayStation and Xbox, but no specific date has been given.