Here is everything shown off at the recent Meta Quest Showcase

Meta Quest 2 is not a name you will know, that is because everything Oculus Quest 2 owners have, uses the old name, but a name change didn’t stop the group from hosting their second showcase event, here is everything that was shown off during it. Most of the games are Quest 2 exclusive, but a few are also coming to PlayStation VR.
Among Us VR
Coming in 2022
Beat Saber - Electronic Mixtape
Coming Soon
Coming in 2022
Cities: VR
Out April 28
Espire 2
Coming Soon
Ghostbusters VR
Coming Soon
Moss: Book II
Coming Winter 2022
Coming Soon
Resident Evil 4 - The Mercenaries
Out Now
Red Matter 2
Coming Soon
Late 2022
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - Chapter 2: Retribution
Coming Soon
So there you go, everything from the event, we have detailed stories on Ghostbusters VR, Moss: Book II and Resident Evil 4 VR, should you want to know more. But out of those games, did any excite you?