Help Moxxi score the Handsome Jackpot in the first expansion for Borderlands 3

Feel that there has not been enough excitement in Borderlands 3, well then has Moxxi got a plan for you, she needs you and a special crew to help break into to the casino built by Handsome Jack, sell hello to the Handsome Jackpot Casino
The Handsome Jackpot is quite possibly the gaudiest gambling spot in the galaxy, with neon signs, slot machines, and gold statues all over the place. It’s also crawling with multiple models of deadly Hyperion Loader Bots, as well as lunatic looters who’ve been trapped on board ever since Jack’s death.
Moxxi's Heist of The Handsome Jackpot is tuned for characters who are at least level 13, but will automatically scale up so that higher-level Vault Hunters can find a challenge and appropriately powerful loot. In order to access this content, you'll need to have unlocked Sanctuary III, your space-faring home base that you reach at the end of the campaign’s prologue.