Get ready to go to work as Hardspace: Shipbreaker is leaving Early Access this May

Focus Entertainment and developer Blackbird Interactive have announced that Hardspace: Shipbreaker, will soon blast out of early access and dock into a full release on May 24, giving players a chance to experience this ship deconstruction game for themselves.
After nearly two years of Early Access, get ready to explore the world of a blue-collar worker salvaging the dangerous husks of decommissioned spaceships. You’ll be cutting, destroying and pulling apart ships while contending with true-to-life zero-g physics, all in a thrilling campaign where your employer –the LYNX Megacorporation– may not be your friend, and your coworkers may be the only people you can trust.
Upgrade your tools, take on more-and-more valuable ships and recover hazardous materials to pay back your astronomical debt to the Lynx company - without blowing yourself up in the process.
While the game is also coming to Xbox and PlayStation, the PC release is first on the launching pad, when it does release for PC on May 24, it will be available via Steam and the Windows store, along within PC Game Pass