Discover the loot that awaits in Loot River

Discover the loot that awaits in Loot River have released a new developer video for Loot River, that shows off just some of the loot that players will be able to obtain on their journey, including the ways that the loot can change up the experience, check it out.

In Loot River, players are able to harness the power of the Relic to shift the ground beneath them, sliding around on the floating pieces of ruined landscapes. These Tetris-like blocks can be slotted together to solve spatial exploration puzzles and employed creatively as a tool in combat to manipulate enemies and control the space on which your battles take place. As players venture through these endless catacombs, they’ll encounter a cursed array of tough enemies, lost travelers, and epic bosses. The wealth of new weapons, gear and unholy knowledge you can unearth for permanent upgrades will be crucial to help you get further with each run.

The game is coming to PC and Xbox later in the year, but an exact date is not yet known.