Gears Tactics - Bargain Guide

The next entry in the popular Gears of War series, Gear Tactics is almost here, but if you want the game, you have two choices, get it digitally from Steam or digitally from Xbox for PC, that is it.

Because the choices are so limited, there is only one saving that is if you pre-order the game direct from Microsoft, you can save some money. If you have Xbox Game Pass for PC though, it is included there, so you can save some money by making use of that. Oh and Amazon have a book, so there is that

  • Gears Tactics - The Art of the Game - $58.50 - Link


Xbox Marketplace

  • Standard Edition - $99.95 - Link

    • Pre-Order the game and you can save 17% making it $82.95


  • Standard Edition - $ 99.95 - Link