Forever Skies needs a little more time in early access, so the 1.0 release is delayed

Developer Far From Home have announced that they are not going to release Forever Skies into its 1.0 release for PC and PlayStation 5 in 2024, because they have made the decision to delay the games full release into 2025.
The reasons are detailed on the Steam Store Page for the game, but the main call outs are:
Major Progress Overhaul
World Will Be Divided into Biomes
Altitude Will Regain Importance
Stonger Emphasis On Airship Management
Adding Dynmaic Random Encounters
Because of how much is changing, the team are now not committing to any sort of timeframe for the 1.0 release, beyond 2025. Some of the changes will hit this year, when the co-op update is deployed into the early access release, but beyond the promise that they are coming, there is still no exact timeframe.
When the 1.0 release does occur in 2025 the game will come to PC and PlayStation 5.