E3 2019 - Hands on with Anthem's new content - Cataclysm

Anthem was a game that held a lot of potential before it released, the story masters of Bioware, creating an open world game, that you could play with your friends, all the ingredients were there for greatness, but it never came together correctly, but at EA Play, the game was on show, giving players a taste of what was to come.
After waiting a long time to play and I mean a long time, I was given the chance to text out the Cataclysm, the new mode coming to Anthem soon, it is not for first time players and given that it has been a while since I had played the game, it showed for me. I launched in as the Storm class, someone I had never played as before, but it was more to do with how I had forgotten to fly that took me a moment to get going, but once I did, things proved to be a challenge.
As the name suggests, the event takes place whilst a Cataclysm is happening, if you don’t recall what they are, think the opening of the game and you are right. Sprawled out in front were some safe zones, but more than that, a lot of danger, as when you are outside of the bubbles, you constantly take damage. Balancing the running between safe zones or pushing forward is going to play a lot in how each player moves forward as those who play it safe will not gain the best rewards.
This new event is packed with rewards and whilst, in my session, I did not get a lot of them, they will make those who live for the loot very happy. Sadly, my session ended quite unexpectedly in that with 7 minutes left on my clock, the game considered my expedition complete, now I don’t know if it is because of the enemies that I killed, or what, but it was all over too soon, however there is good news. If you have the game on PC or have an Origin Access Premier subscription, you can jump in a give it all a good now, but just note, you won’t be able to bring your current javelin with you, nor does anything you do impact your main game.