Does Xbox have new hardware coming?

In a chat with Danny Peña about a variety of topics, sitting behind the CEO of Microsoft Gaming Phil Spencer, appears to be a new small Xbox.
In this still taken from around the 14:30 mark, you can clearly see a small white box, with the Xbox logo on the left and what looks like an IR sensor on the right. We have zoomed in further below to highlight it.
As you can see in the green box below, the potentially new Xbox is small, very small and as such is likely only for streaming games. Think of it more like an Apple TV, it does everything via the internet and there for doesn’t need a lot of power on device, so it can be smaller. Is this a new Xbox Series C, the C being for cloud?
Of course, all this is speculation, the device could be something else, a prototype Series S or even a failed design of some other model, but Phil has been known for hiding new hardware behind him before, so who knows.