Divinity Original Sin II Definitive Edition releases today on Switch

Larian Studios, makers of Divinity Original Sin II have announced that the sequel is coming to Switch, or more so, has come to Switch as it has dropped today and is available now.
The best news is that the game is cross save compatible with the PC release, meaning you can take your PC save, transfer it to Switch, play on the console and then when you want, transfer it back and never lose any progress.
The Switch version is launching alongside the second Gift Bag: free DLC that includes content for new and existing players, on all existing platforms. This content is periodically patched into the game at no extra cost, with more to come over the year.
Gift Big 1 released earlier in the year and included new character customization options. Gift Bag 2, called Song of Nature, includes:
Crafter's Kit
Plenty of new recipes and unique items to craft!
Endless Runner
Find a new icon in your Hotbar which you can use to toggle sprint on and off. Sprint increases your movement speed of your party and the movement speed of your followers.
Animal Empathy
Allows all player characters to talk to animals without having to spend a talent point. Also Changes Pet Pal talent to grant maximum positive attitude in all conversations with animals.
Fort Joy Magic Mirror
Manifests a Magic Mirror in the Arena of Fort Joy, along with a new Character Creation level. This allows you to respec before moving on to the next act of the game.
8 Action Points
Increases the base maximum Action Points of hero characters to 8.
Herb Gardens
Plant your own herb garden! Take any herb and combine it with a bucket to create a seedling.Then just place your seedling in the ground and watch it grow.