Deathloop reveals just what is going on

Deathloop reveals just what is going on

During the PlayStation 5 reveal event, it was announced that Deathloop, revealed at E3 2019, would be coming to PC and exclusively on PlayStation 5 for consoles, sorry Xbox fans.

As Colt, players are trapped in a time loop on the enigmatic island of Blackreef, doomed to repeat the same day for eternity. The only chance for escape is to break the loop by assassinating eight key targets before the day resets. However, lurking in the shadows is rival assassin Julianna, equipped with her own equally powerful abilities and weapons, on a mission to protect the loop by assassinating Colt, and restarting the cycle.

“The focus is on the campaign and the story,” says Game Director Dinga Bakaba . “And that campaign can be played with Julianna controlled only by the AI, or – and this is our recommendation – by a mix of A.I. and random players to experience the range of unpredictability and chaos that Julianna is capable of.”

Julianna is going to be the most random threat because she can be controlled by other players, who are dropping into your game, to cause you grief. Thankfully, the developers understand that some people will not like that, so you can disable that if you want. The flip side is that, you can drop into anyone else’s game as Julianna yourself, giving people grief as well.