DC Universe Online is coming to Switch

Out of nowhere, Daybreak Games have announced that DC Universe Online is making its way to Nintendo Switch, making this the first MMO in the West at least, that is coming to Switch.
That is really all we know at this point, the biggest question is will you need Nintendo Switch Online to play it, as games like Fortnite, Fallout Shelter and Smite don’t require it, as they are free to play. The team at Daybreak have listed what they think are the likely frequently asked questions, check them out:
When will DCUO launch on Switch?
DCUO will launch on Switch in Winter 2019. Check back soon for more specific launch dates.
Will my account or characters transfer from other platforms to Switch?
No. Players will connect to DCUO using their Nintendo Accounts, which will not be linked to existing accounts.
Will DCUO on Switch be free-to-play?
Yes. As on other platforms, DCUO will be free-to-play on Switch.
Will DCUO on Switch allow crossplay?
DCUO will launch on Switch with a brand-new, fresh server, separate from all other communities. We look forward to exploring crossplay options in the future.