Borderlands 3 has come to Steam

After a weird and honestly pointless exclusivity deal, Gearbox and 2K have finally released Borderlands 3 onto Steam last week and they are celebrating its release there, with a sale on it, 50% off.
Early adopters on Steam can also download the Gold Weapons Skin Pack for free from now until April 1, 2020 by navigating to the Borderlands 3 DLC product page on Steam and adding the pack to their accounts.
The Steam version of Borderlands 3 includes all of Borderlands 3’s updates and bonus add-on content to date, including Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite. Those who purchase the Borderlands 3 Season Pass or Super Deluxe Edition can also immediately access the first paid campaign expansion, Moxxi's Heist of The Handsome Jackpot.