Behind The Sims gets a regular show, with the first delivering news on Project Rene

Earlier in the week, Electronic Arts dropped the first video in a new series for The Sims. Called Behind the Sims, this new show will dive into all aspects of the Sims universe, with the first episode giving more details about the upcoming Project Rene. Check it out.
If you have never heard of Project Rene, that is the Sims 5 or whatever it ends up being called, it is the next Sims game. But unlike currently where there is The Sims 4, The Sims Mobile and The Sims Freeplay, Project Rene will provide one Sims experience to rule them all.
Ok, maybe not rule them all, but it will be one experience, with the game playable on both PC and mobile. You can spend hours on your PC building your house and enjoying the world, but when you are away from the PC, you pick up your phone and continue that exact same session.
If watching videos is not your thing, EA thankfully recapped the content in a handy blog post. Where in addition to Project Rene, they talk about the upcoming inclusion of infants to the game, a new family and more. You can read the full post here.
While the Sims series is about to turn 23, there doesn’t appear to be any signs of slowing down.