Battlefield V heads to the Pacific

Battlefield V heads to the Pacific

Battlefield V continues its push forward, kicking off its fifth chapter of content, by taking the game to the Pacific theatre of war and introducing two new factions, check out the trailer below.

As the war in the Pacific featured a lot more Americans and Japanese than anyone else, the game now supports them as selectable sides in the conflict. Deploy with their respective iconic military hardware and equip your Company members with unique outfits to stand out on the battlefield.

But as this is a new locale for Battlefield V, the same old maps won’t work, so it is time to revisit some famous and some infamous locations, like Iwo Jima.

The U.S. is attacking Iwo Jima on all fronts, and in this beachlanding mayhem you’ll be engaged in a fight over the thinner part of the island. It’s an all or nothing clash across wide-open black beaches and close-range environments like the tunnels of the mighty Mount Suribachi, inviting you to an iconic king-of-the-hill battle. Landing boats, aircraft, and tanks are plentiful, and each can sway the match in their own way. Push the enemy towards the final objective or hold back the onslaught on this highly dynamic map.

The other map currently available is called Pacific Storm and those who have played Battlefield 4, will see some similarities to a fan favourite, Paracel Storm. Another new map, or reimagined map, will release in December, Wake Island will once again set combatants against each other, on its unique horse shoe inspired shaped landmass.

In Chapter 5, you’ll wield classic WW2 firearms, katanas, and anything in between. Yes, you’ll be able to enjoy the distinctive eighth-round “ping” from an M1 Garand when the Chapter launches, along with three other main weapons.

The first of these is the Type 99 Arisaka. Available for the Recon class, this weapon is based on one of the strongest military bolt-action rifles ever manufactured. Medic class players will be able to deploy with the Type 100, a Japanese SMG, which will come in handy in close quarters thanks to its rate of fire and control. Finally, there’s the powerful M1919A6, a medium machine gun for the Support class. Use this belt-fed beauty to suppress enemies from medium to long distances and, as with all Battlefield V main weapons, unlock and choose the right Specializations to make it fit your playstyle.

As the Tides of War continue, Chapter 5 will bring the M3 Grease Gun, Nambu Type 2A, Type 97 LMG, and M1918 A2, too. Handed out as a Chapter Reward, the Jungle Carbine can be added to your arsenal, too – the same goes for the Type 94 and the Model 27 sidearms. Finally, Tides of War will expand the Assault class’s arsenal with an explosive gadget: the tank-busting Lunge Mine.

But that is not all, there are other special weapons, new vehicles, new support items and more, the only way to know what is all included, is to play.
