Assassin's Creed Odyssey is ready to take you to Paradise

Ubisoft has announced that Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is continuing its release of dlc, as the first piece of content for The Fate of Atlantis. The next chapter in the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey story adds a new region – the titular Elysium – to the game world, filled with strange new enemies to fight, new powers to unlock, and an expansive new storyline centered on the mysterious First Civilization, or Isu.
The Fields of Elysium are no joke, powerful new enemies await you and while they might look like the rank and file you have demolished before, they pack some surprising additions. But new enemies require new powers and there is the chance to unlock four new ones here. They are as follows:
Ares Madness: Replacing Battlecry of Ares, Ares Madness lets you conjure a glowing, unbroken version of the Spear of Leonidas for 10 seconds, during which you'll deal 35% Assassin damage and be immune to death.
Might of Artemis: This enhancement modifies Rain of Destruction, turning it into a super attack that surrounds you with a rain of arrows that dish out 450% Hunter damage and stun enemies for five seconds.
Kronos Time Warp: This enhancement to Slow Time shortens the base window of slowed time from 10 seconds to five, but you can extend it by 2.5 seconds by successfully landing headshots. Each of those headshots deals 125% Hunter damage, and you can score up to five before the Ability wears off, meaning a skilled archer can slow time for up to 17.5 seconds.
Ares Bull Charge: Instead of sending you barreling into your enemies, this upgraded version of Bull Charge summons a phantom bull to do it for you, knocking them down and dealing 400% Warrior damage.
But not all is well in this Paradise, with some denizens upset at the rule of Persephone, in fact there is quite a bit to read, i suggest hitting up the Official Ubisoft site for all the details, or get the content and go in spoiler free.