Baptiste is the 30th hero for Overwatch

Blizzard have announced a new hero is coming to Overwatch, after making a quick stop on the PTR, the test server, to ensure he plays right. It is time to meet Baptiste, a healer from Tortuga, who is capable of keeping allies alive and eliminating threats under fierce conditions.

As a new character, there is a lot to learn, so here is his bio, as well as abilities.

Real Name: Jean-Baptiste Augustin
Age: 36  
Occupation: Combat Medic
Base of Operations: Tortuga, Haiti (formerly)
Affiliation: Caribbean Coalition (formerly), Talon (formerly)

Biotic Launcher
Baptiste’s three-round-burst Biotic Launcher rewards accuracy and recoil control with significant damage output. It also doubles as a healing device, lobbing projectiles that heal allies near the point of impact.

Regenerative Burst
Baptiste activates an intense regenerative burst that heals himself and nearby allies over time.

Immortality Field
Baptiste uses a device to create a field that prevents allies from dying. The generator can be destroyed.

Amplification Matrix (Ultimate)
Baptiste creates a matrix that doubles the damage and healing effects of friendly projectiles that pass through it.

Exo Boots (Passive)
By first crouching, Baptiste can jump higher.

You can stay on top of all things Baptiste here, on the official Overwatch site.