It's time to reassemble your squad for Call of Duty WWII

Another year, another live action trailer that highlights how Call of Duty can bring people together, this years was actually directed by Australian Simon Quoid and shows how the game can bring people together from all walks of life.

After having watched it, if you are wanting to know the song that plays, it is  “Figure It Out” by Royal Blood.

“Call of Duty: WWII is a return to the boots on the ground gameplay and camaraderie of playing Call of Duty together with your friends.  The enthusiasm and anticipation for this year’s game is incredible and speaks to the passion of our fans around the world,” said Tim Ellis, CMO, Activision. “‘Reassemble!’ spans the globe in a series of films about gamers, across all walks of life, getting their squads together with one mission – to play Call of Duty.”

The game is out on November 3rd for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.