Important News On The Next Need For Speed Announced

Ghost Games might not be a studio you know much about, given that they have only released two games, but both games have been in the Need for Speed series and they have announced some information about what players can expect from the new game this year.

The biggest comment that was announced was this:
Let’s finish on one of the biggest discussion points around the last game: always-online. To say that this is a topic you're passionate about would be an understatement, and whenever there’s a topic that gathers as much attention and feedback from you as this did, we take note. So, when release day rolls around for the next Need for Speed, you will be able to play through a single player experience completely offline. Before you ask, and we know you will, this does mean you will be able to pause the game.
That is amazing news, because with the previous two games, you were not able to pause, due to the always online nature.

Some people are going to be super happy that customisation that returned in Need for Speed in 2015, but here they are seemingly taking big steps forward with it.
Customization, we love it, you love it, everyone loves it. What’s not to love? Rest assured that we’re committed to customization having a home within the Need for Speed series. It’s not going away and it will play as strong a role as ever as we move forward into the next game and beyond.
If you want to read their entire letter, you can do that here, I for one can't wait to get some hands on with the new game at EA Play next month. No other details or platforms have been announced as of yet.