Bungie has announced that on September 26th, Destiny players will not only get to play the new Rise of Iron expansion for the game, but players on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One can pick up Destiny The Collection, giving you access to every part of the game in one go.

“Destiny – The Collection is the perfect starting point for gamers who have yet to experience Destiny,” said Byron Beede, Sr. Vice President of Destiny at Activision. “Destiny – The Collection contains some of the most engaging content Bungie has ever created and the soon-to-be released Rise of Iron. It also includes a character boost that will allow new players to instantly join in with friends who are already enjoying Destiny.”

For legacy gen players, Destiny – The Collection marks the opportunity to transition to playing Destiny on a current gen system through the upgrade program which begins today and runs until January 31, 2017. Destiny – The Collection will launch alongside Rise of Iron on September 20, 2016